• Details of your next lotto draw - date and time

  • How many numbers the user can select and the number range ( i.e. 4 numbers between 1-26)

  • Cost to enter lotto i.e. £1/€2

  • Jackpot amount

  • Cut off time for online tickets sales (most clubs set this to one hour before draw, however this is optional)

  • Notify us on which payment provider you plan to use to take online payments 

  • Let us know if you want to offer automatic recurring payments

Not in the klub? Register on our Free Grassroots plan today> https://www.klubfunder.com/Clubs/Pricing 

Check out the lotto feature below!

If the above information has not answered your questions fully please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected] 

(Please make the subject of the email (lotto enquiry)