The club administrator will log into their Klubfunder account. From the ‘My Account’ area they will select ‘Club Membership’. There is 4 tabs in ‘club membership’, these include Payment History, Registered Members, Renewals and Membership Products.
Payment History is the main area where clubs will perform their searches and download reports. It will provide a full download of all information captured from the member at the time of registration and a full history of payments made. Please note the ‘Date Purchased Start’ field will always be defaulted to 30 days previous of todays date so if you are looking to search on historic transactions you will need to replace this date with an earlier date.
The registered members tab will show all registered members and will show the date they registered. Within this tab the club can do a search on ‘Member Type’ so this will allow them to filter between registrations types.
If the club is using subscription payments the club administrator will be able to see each successful payment in the payment history tab. These will also get a copy of any notifications for failed payments or cancelled subscriptions. Partner clubs will have the added benefit of having access to advanced reports on payment tracking.
The renewal tab will provide the club with a quick way of sending out ‘renewal reminders’ to their members.
See sample screens below.
Not in the klub? Register on our Free Grassroots plan today>
See the Member Registration Video >
If the above information has not answered your questions fully please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]
(Please make the subject of the email (Member registration enquiry)