If your club is using STRIPE as the payment processor to collect recurring payments and you wish to update your card details because you have a new card or your previous card has expired you can do this via your Klubfunder account.

If your club is using CASHFLOWS as the payment processor to collect recurring payments and you wish to update your card details you will need to cancel the existing subscription on the old card,  then set up a new subscription on the new card.


Log in to your Klubfunder account.

Go to www.klubfunder.com

Click on the 'Log in' button.

Enter your email address and password. This will be the same email address you used to complete the transaction with.  if you have forgotton your password, click on the 'Forgot Password' link.

Once you are in your 'My Account' area click on the 'Subscriptions' button

Once you are in your Subscriptions tab you will see your subscription.  To update your card details click on 'Update Card Details'.  You will then be asked to enter your card details again.  

Alternatively if you would like to cancel your subscription.  You can do this via the 'Remove Subscripton' button.

Below is a short video showing demo of how to update card details: