This Demonstration will be explaining how to set up player development as an Admin.

Many Coaches want to visually see the development and progress of their players skills, and attributes.

The 'player development' feature can be used throughout the season, to manage the progress of your players development.

The tool can also be used to asses the development of characteristics and attitudes as well as attributes.

Follow this simple steps to learn how to set up player development

STEP 1: Log into the Klubfunder website

STEP 2: Scroll to the bottom of your screen and click on the TEAMS area

STEP 3: Click onto the Player Development area, then click on 'Team' and choose your team

STEP 4: Once you have selected the team you wish to set the 'Player Development' for, click 'Add New Development Skill/Attribute.

STEP 5: Set a name for your player development 'skill or attribute', fill in a description for the skill/attribute.

You can add a video link, so your members can watch the video to help them develop their skills at home.

STEP 6: Once you have added the video link (optional), choose the number of skill levels and set descriptions for each skill level. Once you have planned your Player development you can click 'Add' to set the player development.

STEP 7: This stage is for developing characteristics, repeat the same process as you did for the previous 'Player Development' task. 

Make it clear that you are setting up player development for a characteristic or attitude and set the number of levels with definitions.

Once you are happy with the player development click 'Add'