This article will explain how to create categories for a checklist when looking to add volunteers to your club.
Step 1: Log into the Klubfunder platform and click 'Volunteer Klub'
Step 2: Once you have followed the previous step, you will see this screen.
Click into the 'Settings' tab
Step 3: Once you have followed the previous steps, you will see this screen.
Next, click 'create new category'
Step 4: Next, fill in the boxes with the criteria you want for your volunteers.
E.g, if you require all coaches to have level 2 certificate, select coaching as a category name, then add the relevant criteria.
Once you have added the new criteria click 'Add Criteria', Then click Save
Step 5: Once you have completed that stage you can add any categories for your check list that you decide.
You can then see the categories in the area shown below.